Subject: We Need Your Help (plus a quick announcement)

Date: 8/13/2023

Nebula and Sirius here from behind the scenes at We don’t normally write to you like this but we have a favor to ask.

We’ve been teaching beginners how to grow weed indoors since 2010 and recently released a structured online course on how to grow weed. After 4 months of work with our initial class of students, Sirius and I are putting on a few finishing touches before re-opening registration. 

We put our heart and soul into this course, including 5 structured video lessons, a matching written guide, and helpful resources like watering schedules, equipment lists, and quizzes to keep you on track. This has turned into something we're extremely proud of. Now, we could really use your help.

This will only take a few seconds. Can you answer the question below? It would mean the world to us :)

~Nebula Haze & Sirius Fourside

Register to get notified about Home Grow Masterclass!

We want to be absolutely certain we answered every question a beginner might have about growing. Let us know about your two biggest growing questions or challenges and we'll let you know as soon as the course is available.